Minnesota State Bird
The 32nd state of the United States, Minnesota became an official part of the US on May 11 of 1858. The capital city of Minnesota is Saint Paul. Minnesota also has one of the most beautiful nicknames a state could have. It is called the Star of the North. It is also known as the land of 10000 lakes and these very lakes have a connection with the Minnesota state bird.
What Is The State Bird Of Minnesota?
The loon or the Common Loon has been Minnesota’s state bird since 1961. These are particularly large birds with black plumage and white small checked boxes all over their body. The head is jet black, as well as the neck which is long and lean. They are three feet long at most but their wingspan can reach up to five feet. On land, they are a bit clumsy due to the positioning of their feet, which are positioned towards the back of their bodies. They are excellent swimmers and also fly at high speeds.
What Makes The State Bird Of Minnesota Unusual?
Is it the red eyes of the Common Loon that makes them particularly unusual? Is it the jet-black color of their plumage? Or is it their rather eerie call? If you are taking a stroll and hear the call of a Common Loon nearby, don’t get scared by the strange sound. Common Loons rarely visit land. They are happiest in the water, content to catch fish by diving into its depths.
Common Loon Migration
Minnesota State Bird Facts
Let’s learn some exciting facts about the Minnesota official state bird!
1. Loons might be swimmers by nature but when it comes to flying, they can leave lots of bird species in the dust. When migrating, it has been noted that Common Loons have been seen flying at up to 70 mph. It seems that whatever problems their legs might cause them on the land it certainly doesn’t extend to their long wings, which beat rapidly.
2. A family of hungry Loons is capable of consuming a massive amount of fish. It has been noted that for Loon parents and two of their young ones, it is entirely possible to eat about half a ton of fish in an extremely short time. And by short, we mean within 15 weeks.
3. Sometimes, migrating Common Loons might end up sitting on highways or parking lots that are wet after the rain. This is because they mistake the area for lakes and rivers. As a result, they might end up stranded there for a long period of time.
Final Thoughts
The Minnesota state bird can be found pretty much in any lake in Minnesota. During the summer, at least 120,000 waterfowls can be counted within the state. You should definitely visit Minnesota in the summer. The Common Loon may be a common bird, but it is visually striking. The red eyes are especially distinctive and majestic, so make sure to grab your camera to get a good picture before you go looking for one.