Hummingbird Migration

Ever wondered what makes Hummingbirds so popular amongst the birders? Is it their distinctive humming? Or their peculiar features? Or is it that they are keystone species? One cannot point out any particular thing that makes these birds so exclusive. Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures! Hummingbird migration is very interesting, the broadness of the species, their striking metabolism rate, and the fascinating list goes on.

As their names suggest, Hummingbirds make a high-frequency humming sound while flapping their wings. Interestingly, these birds have 360 species, and identifying a Hummingbird is easy.

All the hummingbirds are stubby, with a long bill and long wings; this feature remains common in all the species. Hummingbirds choose tropical zones for their habitat, and all the Hummingbird migration patterns revolve around that. Before going to check them out, what does migration mean? And why do birds migrate? Let us find out these reasons here!

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Hummingbird Feeders

The first Hummingbird feeders known to mankind were a small glass tube adorned with red artificial flowers and filled with sugar to attract Hummingbirds’ attention. However, most people don’t know how and when this happened and who pioneered this brilliant idea.

According to most sources in the early 1900s, Althea R. Sherman, a self-taught ornithologist, discovered these feeders. He was also the first person to train Hummingbirds to feed nectar from a feeder.

After feeding a Hummingbird, it becomes a people’s favorite pastime, and every time you walk through any garden, you will find one or more Hummingbirds feeding on these feeders. Here in this article, we will discuss the types of Hummingbird feeders and tips for using them accurately.

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How Fast Do Hummingbirds Wings Flap

For a species that’s mostly on the small side, when it comes to flying, hummingbirds can perform some of the most extraordinary feats one can only imagine. Agile as they are, their flying speed is almost a hybrid of insects and birds. For average hummingbirds, wing speed, it is known that their wings flap about 53 times in a single second.

To give you a better idea of how fast can a hummingbird fly, even the Giant Hummingbird- the largest known hummingbird- beats its wings about 15 times in a second. As for the fastest record noted to date, it belongs to Amethyst Woodstar Hummingbird, with about 80 beats per second.

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Where do Hummingbirds Sleep?

In some ways, you might be more interested to find out how do hummingbirds sleep, rather than where they go to do so. Because strangely enough, their sleeping pattern is what one would call ‘unusual’. Instead of going to sleep after a long day of flight and hunting for food, they enter a state which has been termed Torpor – a form of hibernation. Unlike other hibernating animals though, it’s not something they do specifically during winter. Instead, it’s something they do every night.

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Where Do Hummingbirds Migrate To

If you have wondered, do hummingbirds migrate or not? The answer is most certainly a resounding yes for these tiny creatures. North America might be the hummer favorite place during most of the summer, but in fact, these birds are tropical creatures. They do love making seasonal trips to save themselves from inevitable harsh weather conditions.

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When to Stop Feeding Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds have too many myths surrounding them. One of them foolishly assumes that if one leaves their hummingbird feeder out in fall, the quick birds would be lured by the easy availability food and won’t migrate. In reality, if you keep the feeder out, you are providing a resting stop for birds who are migrating along the route, rather than for the ones that are already there. However, that means, you have no idea when to put out hummingbird feeders. Well, there are some details to consider.

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What a Hummingbirds Nest Looks Like

Hummingbirds’ nests are amazing in the sense that they are created with absolute love and dedication and are meant to protect one of the tiniest birds on the planet. As tiny as the birds are, the nests they make are just as tiny. And it’s honestly an amazing sight to see, just watching hummingbirds in their natural habitat in the nest. Yet, most people don’t know what hummingbirds nest even looks like or where do hummingbirds nest, so one gets an opportunity to see the nest in the first place.

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How To Take Hummingbird Pictures

Part of the experience of being a birdwatcher is being able to take exquisite photos of the birds you see as mementos. And among those birds,  a collection of hummingbird pictures do make for an excellent photo album. As royal as hummingbirds do look in pictures, photographing them isn’t an easy task. With our bird watching tips you can learn How To Take Hummingbird Pictures.

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How To Make Hummingbird Nectar

Hummingbirds have quite a rich palette when it comes to food. However, for them, nothing quite appeals to them the way the hummingbird nectar concoction does. Do you want to learn How To Make Hummingbird Nectar? Through this recipe, the natural sucrose content in nectar from a flower is basically notched up. What we get as a result is a sugary syrup that’s nutritious and healthy for hummingbirds as it is easily digestible.

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How to Identify Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are an enchanting species, there’s no doubt about it. However, the hummingbird size is so small and they’re such quick little birds that even the most experienced birders fumble a little while trying to identify one. However, practice can make anyone perfect and with a bit of knowledge, you should be able to tackle this particular problem easily. Learn How to Identify Hummingbirds with our detailed guide.

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How to Clean Your Hummingbird Feeders

If you’re someone who has made it a point to feed hummingbirds, your duty isn’t limited to feeding them. No, you’re also in charge of making sure the hummers are healthy and don’t get sick as a result of imbibing from your feeder. And a huge part of that comes from providing them with a feeder that’s in the best cleaned condition possible. We outline How to Clean Your Hummingbird Feeders.

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What Is Hummingbird Habitat Like

If you want your backyard to be a hummingbird garden, you need to be aware of the ideal hummingbird habitat. If you know how to prep up your yard so as to grab the attention of hummingbirds, you might be able to lure them into raising their family there. Have you ever wondered What Is Hummingbird Habitat Like? Read more to find out.

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Types Of Hummingbird Feeders

So, you have some regularly visiting hummingbirds in your backyard or are trying to attract one. Of course, a big part of it would be providing them with the sweet nectar and an easy way for them to consume said nectar. Now, your first plan might be to DIY hummingbird feeder. There are many Types Of Hummingbird Feeders.

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5 Important Facts About Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are an interesting species by every metric. Their calls sound lovely, the species come in various bright colors and they have something about their overall appearance that makes them enchanting. You might have come across a species or two or even four of hummingbirds in summer. They’re also noisy in general, with their wings making a buzzing sound that will tip you off when a hummingbird is near. Read more for Important Facts About Hummingbirds.

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