Ruby-throated Hummingbird Migration

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds. However, they are enduring fliers. They can cover large distances during seasonal migration with their swiftly flapping wings during the Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration.

But, did you know that they are the only birds with this unique characteristic of flying backward? Yes, it’s true!

Amongst all the other species of birds, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are the most studied and sought-after birds. They can see spectrums of light that humans are blind to, one such example is ultraviolet light.

This Hummingbird species is able to see things that are extremely far, but they have better vision than humans. They also hear better, although they cannot smell. They rely on their eyesight when they are in search of their prey. Bright colors such as red and yellow attract them.

As they feed on nectar, the bright colors of the flowers indicate higher content of nectar. Read on to know more about these charming creatures and the Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration.

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Snow Geese Migration

Did you know that Snow Geese aren’t named so just because they inhabit snowy regions but because of their plumage that resembles the snow? Consequently, many birders are drawn to experience the fascinating Snow Geese and Snow geese migration every year.

The species was previously classified under genus Chen; however, later, they were classified as Genus Anser, the same genus as Gray Goose. Snow Geese are known for migrating in vast numbers across Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. But did you know that Snow Geese are one of the world’s most abundant waterfowl species?

Snow Geese eat voraciously up to 12 hours a day! Yet they weigh 3.5-7 pounds only! Native to North America, these birds have many other intriguing facts that make them popular amongst the birders. Read on to know everything about Snow Geese and Snow Geese migration.

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Baltimore Oriole Migration

Baltimore Orioles are birds that you can hear singing during the spring in eastern North America. Usually from nearby gardens or treetops, you can hear these birds sing melodious tunes, or you may even spot their blazing orange plumage. From April to May, Baltimore Oriole migration commences. You can see many of these birds flying together in flocks.

Baltimore Orioles can be enticed into a bird-feeding backyard because they feed on fruits and nectar, which can be easily provided. Baltimore Orioles are a black color that you can find often in eastern North America. They are named after the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore, as their color resembles that of Lord Baltimore.

Males and females of this species look different, the adult male has bright colors, and both of them are distinguishable by the distinctive markings. The Baltimore Oriole doesn’t feed on bird seeds. Read on to know all about Baltimore Oriole and the Baltimore Oriole migration.

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Sandhill Crane Migration

Every year, we see birds on their seasonal migration searching for new land with food, water, and shelter. But, did you know that during the Sandhill Crane migration, the birds use the migration routes even without knowing the route or traveling to their seasonal homes before?

Migration has helped organisms to evolve, find shelter when their native homes have unfavorable conditions, and lastly, to help bring a balance to biodiversity. Migration is a vast concept, and all the organisms on the planet tend to migrate in search of food, water, or shelter. One such exciting migration is Sandhill Crane migration.

Sandhill Cranes, birds of North America and North-East Siberia, are timid creatures that travel in flocks. But why do they keep coming back to agricultural fields? Why are their nests on the ground in marshy lands? Read on to know about these giant, intriguing creatures and the even more intriguing concept of the Sandhill Crane migration.

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Arctic Tern Migration

Do you remember those small white birds you would often see flying at a particular time of every year? Well, those small white birds are Arctic Terns, and they are in the middle of what is called Arctic Tern migration.

Arctic Terns are migratory birds that travel along the longest route around the globe annually. These birds undergo the longest bird migration. Their scientific name is Sterna paradisaea and belongs to the family Laridae of the Kingdom Aves, which consists of only birds. These Arctic terns are commonly known as “The Swallow of the Sea” or “The Champion of Migration.”

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Robin Migration

Nature has got endless astounding phenomena. And, one such alluring marvel of nature is the Robin migration. People across the world are captivated by their migration paths and migration routes. It is indeed amazing to watch these birds migrate without someone asking them to do so. This makes us wonder even more as to what does migration means to these Robins actually.

Are they simply wishing for a change in their habitat? Or are their current habitats unsuitable for them to thrive in? There is no calendar or compass to indicate the time and direction. Yet these birds fly and reach their destinations around the same time every year.

Excited to know more about these Robins and their migration? This article offers a deep insight into how these songbirds migrate and all the reasons that push them to migrate.

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Purple Martin Migration

Seasonal migration is a common practice among many bird species. They travel from areas with decreasing resources to areas with abundant food and safe nesting locations. However, the Purple Martin migration takes place continually, throughout the year, mainly because of their choice of diet.

Migration is one of the most critical life processes for any bird. They move to places that are thousands of miles away and often come back to the same wintering and nesting locations every year. Ornithologists study the migration path of all the species and laboriously sketch a migration map.

The Purple Martin migration has fascinated not just ornithologists but also birders who watch these birds flock around their backyard during their seasonal migration. Purple Martins, popular for their graceful flight and melodic singing, are one of the largest swallows in North America. What does migration mean to Purple Martins? Why do they travel so often, and where do they go when they leave their home? Keep reading to find out interesting facts about the Purple Martin and Purple Martin migration.

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Hummingbird Migration

Ever wondered what makes Hummingbirds so popular amongst the birders? Is it their distinctive humming? Or their peculiar features? Or is it that they are keystone species? One cannot point out any particular thing that makes these birds so exclusive. Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures! Hummingbird migration is very interesting, the broadness of the species, their striking metabolism rate, and the fascinating list goes on.

As their names suggest, Hummingbirds make a high-frequency humming sound while flapping their wings. Interestingly, these birds have 360 species, and identifying a Hummingbird is easy.

All the hummingbirds are stubby, with a long bill and long wings; this feature remains common in all the species. Hummingbirds choose tropical zones for their habitat, and all the Hummingbird migration patterns revolve around that. Before going to check them out, what does migration mean? And why do birds migrate? Let us find out these reasons here!

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Canadian Geese Migration

We see a variety of bird species every day with intriguing origins and ever-evolving migration routes. But, be it the wild bird migration or any other commonly found species, like the Canadian Geese migration, it is always enlightening to discover how the birds around the globe migrate in their respective seasons.

Today, let’s look in detail at this commonly found bird that also has a fascinating history to it! Yes, we’re talking about the Canadian Geese and their migration routes!

It’s important to understand that the Canadian Geese migration takes place every year, and they come back to the same place where they were born each year!

Read along to find out more about the Canadian Geese migration and the bird migration patterns!

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Duck Migration

Ducks are a species that heavily rely on their instinct, and they are known to travel to warmer places during the winter months. They migrate in the same pattern as their flock every year to their winter home. Duck migration occurs due to the decline in the availability of open water and food.

Migration is adaptive, and strategy hinged on finding food, water, and suitable conditions for breeding. Less food means a faster transition and the departure of ducks. They either migrate south or change local movement patterns in response to the declining open water and food availability.

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