10 Amazing Facts About Wood Ducks

Male Wood Ducks are colorful birds that are famously found in wetland habitats. For decades, they have undergone mass harvesting, due to the demand for their delicious meat. These medium-sized ducks either forage on land or in bodies of water. Southern Wood Ducks do not migrate, but Wood Ducks from colder regions migrate south in order to protect themselves from the cold. In the past, there was a great demand for their fur which was used to make women’s hats. Let’s look at some interesting facts about these attractive birds!

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10 Amazing Facts About Purple Martins

Purple Martins are a bird species that has maintained a joyful association with humans for centuries. They are extremely popular and are often spoken about by bird enthusiasts. As these birds are mostly dependant on insects, they are never found in the northern portion of North America. Here are some facts and attributes associated with these magnificent creatures!

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10 Amazing Facts About Snowy Owls

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owls are commonly called Polar Owls or Arctic Owls. They are one of the largest owls in the world. These birds are large and powerful, capable of hunting birds much larger than them. They aggressively defend their nest which is often on mounds or rocky terrain. Males are pure white, whereas females maintain some brown spotting. Young males resemble adult females, and it takes a long time for them to gain the pure white plumage that the adult males have. Here are some facts and attributes associated with these magnificent creatures!

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10 Amazing Facts About Pileated Woodpeckers

Pileated Woodpeckers are the largest Woodpeckers in most regions of North America. Only Imperial Woodpeckers found in Western Mexico and Ivory-billed Woodpeckers found in the southern U.S. are larger in size. These birds have red heads, black bodies, and are large which makes them unmistakable. Pileated Woodpeckers preen frequently and sometimes hop around on the ground. Their flight isn’t very impressive, but it is steady. Sometimes these birds use their wings and bills to attack their prey.

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10 Amazing Facts About Ospreys

Osprey in Tree

Ospreys are often referred to as river hawks, fish hawks, and sea hawks. Their diet is mainly dominated by fish, and they are found in several regions of the world. These birds of prey are specifically Western Ospreys because a former subspecies in their genus, which has now become a separate species are called Eastern Ospreys. Let’s look at some amazing facts about Ospreys!

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10 Amazing Facts About Emperor Penguins

Emperor Penguins are extremely large Penguins, that have short tails, and cream patches on their nape, and on the sides of their neck. These Penguins are almost classified as threatened because of the disturbances in their habitat. Emperor Penguins are native to Antarctica, as any other area would be completely unsuitable for their survival. Male and female Emperor Penguins are similar in size and color.

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10 Amazing Facts About Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings are a type of songbird that belongs to the Waxwing family. They can be found in North, Central, and South America. Cedar Waxwings inhabits deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forests. They can be found in areas near streams, grasslands, and open fields. They also visit towns and suburban areas where people cultivate ornamental bushes that produce delicious berries, which can be a source of food for them. Major threats to the survival of Cedar Waxwings are collisions with windows and road accidents. Despite these factors, the population of Cedar Waxwings is large and stable in the wild.

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10 Amazing Facts About California Condors

California Condor in Wild

California Condors are incredibly majestic birds found in the American states of California, Utah, Arizona, and in the Mexican state of Baja California. They can be easily identified with their uniform black mane except for a few strips of white on its underside. These birds glide gracefully at great heights spreading their enormous wings across the sky. Their average lifespan is around 60 years, making them one of the world’s longest-living birds.

While working on captive breeding techniques for the birds, conservation scientists have found that California Condors can produce asexually. Though this could be thought of as a means of survival, the birds produced asexually did not live long, only for a span of 10 years. Adults that consume large amounts of carrion, decaying animals, weigh 17-25 pounds with a height of about 109-149 centimeters. Here are some facts and attributes associated with these magnificent creatures.

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10 Amazing Facts About Blue Jays

As one of the most beautiful and intelligent birds of North America, Blue Jay is a household name. These birds live in southern Canada, the southeastern and central United States, with their range extending from Alberta, Canada to Florida, U.S. Their migration patterns have also shown that their western populations are more likely to migrate south during the winters, while their eastern populations are mostly annual residents.

These birds have captured the attention of Americans for centuries now. The very namesake of “Jay” is derived from the notion of their family being among the noisier and chattery birds. Early folklore traditions often integrated them as characters in their mythologies. Even today, Blue Jays are the symbol for the Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball team. Below, we have listed some of the most interesting things about Blue Jays!

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10 Amazing Facts About Barn Owls

Barn Owl

Barn Owls are the most widespread terrestrial bird species in the world. They are found on almost every continent, except Antarctica. They are among the most culturally influential birds. Barn Owls are exclusively nocturnal and are the origins behind the phrase “night owl”. These silent predators are found year-round in their natural habitats, hunting at night through open fields and meadows while nesting in abandoned buildings and barns. Their fondness for nesting in barns explains how they got their name.

These birds are unique compared to other owls. They do not hoot like owls do. Instead, they let out a raspy, hoarse cry while they hunt. Their wings enable them to fly without making a sound, a useful trait as it does not alert their prey or predators. These birds are very hard to spot. You can usually only identify them through a sudden flash of pale wings under some light. These birds are undoubtedly fascinating, which is why we have listed 10 of our favorite facts about Barn Owls to help you understand why these birds are so iconic.

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