Birds in West Virginia
West Virginia might be lacking a bit in providing a habitat for birds but the mountain landscape alone makes up for it. The state also acts as a stop site for some migrating birds like Swainson’s Warblers. Birding in West Virginia is a treat when you’re hiking your way through the forest-covered mountains and enjoying the scenery in the process.
What Is the State Bird Of West Virginia?
The red bird or Northern Cardinal was made the state bird of West Virginia in 1949, a choice made by schoolchildren. It’s no surprise that a bird with cheery sounds and a bright red appearance would surely be popular among children.
What Are The Top Spots To Go Bird Watching In West Virginia?
Beech Fork State Park is regarded as a popular camping site. It’s among the Audubon Important Bird Area because of the woodland birds that nest here. The list includes Louisiana Waterthrush, Eastern Whip-poor-will and Broad-winged Hawk.
Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge is home to Cedar Waxwing, Grasshopper Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, and Northern Harrier. The refuge spans over 16,550-acres and forests and wetlands contribute massively to an amazing birding experience.
How Many Birds Can You See In West Virginia?
West Virginia has a relatively low count when it comes to bird species among the states, with the count being merely 366. Mason has about 300 bird species, and Cabell and Monongalia have 295 and 279 respectively. Kanawha and Wood share the same species count of 278.
Greenbottom WMA is the clear winner for hotspots when it comes to hotspots for birds in West Virginia. The species count is 252 here. Regardless, Robert C Byrd Locks & Dam and McClintic WMA are also good hotspots for birding enthusiasts in West Virginia with 226 and 224 species in those areas.
Top Birds To See In West Virginia
Orchard Oriole is a small bird with an orange belly and black top. The wings are black color as well and the bill is small. It’s a small bird in general. The contrast this bird has with the orange and black makes it quite perfect for pictures. A lot of birdwatchers love spotting the bird because of how hard it is to spot, as it tends to hide among the trees.
Pine Grosbeak, while a small bird, is actually among the largest among the finch family. It’s an overall pretty pink color with a bit of black in its wings makes it a fascinating bird. Birdwatchers are often stuck with how ethereal it looks in person.
Common Birds To See In West Virginia
Pileated woodpeckers can be seen quite a lot amongst all the birds in West Virginia, even in Charleston and Morgantown. Tufted Titmouse and eastern bluebird are especially common in Charleston. The bird species simply refuses to leave your backyard.
Morgantown also sees a lot of Mourning dove and dark-eyed Junco.
Final Thoughts
West Virginia is a beautiful state and just roaming around the cities, looking for birds is just as fun as purposely going to birdwatching hotspots to look for some interesting birds.