10 Amazing Facts about Blue-winged Racquet-tails

Blue-winged Racquet-tails are incredible birds. These 10 facts will have you hoping to see one the next time you’re in the Sulu Islands which is a part of the Philippines! Blue-winged Racquet-tails are interesting and colorful birds. They are rare birds that love to make lots of noise!

10 Amazing Facts about Blue-winged Racquet-tails

1. Male and female Blue-winged Racquet-tails look very similar!

This bird gets its name from the two longer middle tail feathers because they make a racket shape. They are green in color, darker on the back, and pale underneath. Males have a red patch on their heads, while females only have a blue patch.

2. The Blue-winged Racquet-tail is a type of parrot!

Although the Blue-winged Racquet-tail’s name is a bit misleading, they are in fact a type of green parrot! However, they are not called parrots because their tail looks a little bit different.

3. The Blue-winged Racquet-tail lives in the forest!

Blue-winged Racquet-tails are parrots that live in the low parts of the forest and can also be found on the edge of the forest. It may be hard to spot these birds, but if you get the chance they are quite a sight!

4. Blue-winged Racquet-tails live in the Sulu Islands!

These birds live in the Sulu Islands in the southwestern part of the Philippines. They may only live in Tawi-Tawi but this has not been proven yet.

5. The Blue-winged Racquet-tail does not migrate.

Blue-winged Racquet-tails do not migrate anywhere during any season. They stay put on their islands in the Philippines.

6. Blue-winged Racquet-tails have harsh songs!

The Blue-winged Racquet-tail is known for the harsh raspy “aaaaack” notes that they often make. They are usually most vocal while they are flying. Their noises occasionally include squawks and mating calls. 

7. The Blue-winged Racquet-tail has a specific breeding time!

Interestingly, Blue-winged Racquet-tails do not breed and mate year round. Their breeding times are September through January! If you visit the Sulu Islands during this time, you may be able to see a baby Blue-winged Racquet-tail!

8. Blue-winged Racquet-tails only make their nests in one spot!

These rare birds only construct their nests in a certain spot on these islands! These secret nests are located in some of the large palm trees that have fallen down on the edge of the forest. It is unknown what material they use to make their nests but it is likely that they use tree branches.

9. The Blue-winged Racquet-tail is critically endangered.

Blue-winged Racquet-tails are rarely seen and are currently critically endangered. There have only been nine recorded sightings since 1991.

10. Blue-winged Racquet-tails are dying due to logging.

More and more Blue-winged Racquet-tails are dying because their habitat is being taken from them. The trees they live in are being torn down and it is unknown how they are going to survive for much longer without a forest to reside in.


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